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Is it Ever Appropriate?

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Yesterday I received an email from a business community I am a part of. The topic was from a guy asking if it is ever appropriate to do naked massage. While I wasn't surprised, I was annoyed that someone would come onto business forum to ask about this. He actually had the nerve to say it "wouldn't be sexual, just sensual". This is a ridiculous statement. Most therapists are female and the mechanics of massage means you are leaning over your client. If your breasts are dangling in front of a clients face you cannot say there is nothing sexual about it.

The thing is, during most massages the client is going to be stripped down to their underwear but will always have their genitals covered in an appropriate manner. Therapists are never unclothed.

As soon as I tell someone I am a massage therapist most often I will hear "Oh do you do "those" types of massages", with a wink. Quite frankly, even if these people are my friends, the joke is old and I do not find it funny. I feel myself getting defensive and explaining exactly what I do and trying not to engage the comment that was just made. It is not always easy.

I am a licensed body worker in the state of Rhode Island. That means the state has recognized my ability to work with people to help with pain management, relieve stress and in general, relax. Unfortunately my own city perpetuates this stereotype. While searching for a place to create my practice, I found the most amazing space near my home. The place is absolutely incredible. I called the city to start the process of seeing what I needed to do to get the proper permits for my business. Imagine my shock when I was told that despite the building being mixed use, I would have to apply to the zoning board for permission to practice in a building that is not a renovated mill or basically a strip mall.

The basic application for zoning permits is $50 and a 2-week wait, but because I am a massage therapist I have to submit an application of $500 in wait 3 months just to see if I would even be given permission. When I asked why I was told it is because the city does not want one of "those" places popping up. The state of Rhode Island has recognize me as a licensed professional but the City of Pawtucket has already labeled me as a sex worker. They have deliberately tried to make their application fees exorbitantly high to stop me from building a business in a place they deem inappropriate for my choice of work. How are our clients supposed to respect us as professionals if our own cities refuse to do so.

I spent 7 months and a 1000 hours in school to gain my education plus hours upon hours of continuing education to become specialized in different areas including prenatal, aromatherapy, and lactation counseling, but the first thing I am asked is not what type of massage I practice but if I give happy endings. Please stop with this garbage. It is disrespectful, and demeaning to me personally and to the profession as a whole.

So is it ever appropriate to ask a massage therapist if it is a good idea for then to strip down and give a massage naked? Absolutely not, and if you do ask you will probably be banned from that practice for life and that therapist will probably call everyone else in the area (including the police) to let them know there is a client asking for something illegal and immoral and insulting to what we do.

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