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How Did I get interested in Massage

When I was little I would get the normal "growing pains". At night my legs would hurt so bad that I would just lay there and cry because it was so intense. I have memories of my Mom massaging my legs to ease the pain. It helped me sleep and the pain was bearable afterward.

I didn't understand what it was in the beginning, but as I got older and my parents solution to aches and pains was to massage the area, I began to realize that it was a "thing", and I wanted to do it. My first instinct was to massage away someone's hurt. I just didn't know how one became a massage therapist! Unfortunately for me neither did my Guidance Counselor. He was amazing, but at the time I was in a small town and we just didn't see that many. If I had been smart I would have called a local therapist and asked "Hey, how did you get to do this?!". Lucky for me I don't give up and a couple of years later I found the most amazing school.

Maybe it was just the perfect day, but my dad and I jumped in his truck and drove 6 hours across NY State to get to Ithaca, NY to see the Finger Lakes School of Massage. It was beautiful. I fell in love with the school and the staff. Then we stopped to have lunch someone where and I was hooked.

I remember having to go on my own a second time because my Dad couldn't get out of work, and my boyfriend of the time just didn't care. I sat on the outside patio of a restaurant on the Commons and just basked in the sun. It was a perfect day. It was lovely outside. That was it. I was in and I couldn't wait to get started.

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